Past Program

Writing Foundation 2: Descriptive Writing

 In the module Descriptive Writing, our WF2 students learned several techniques they could use to give life to their descriptions. Laetitia not only did that, but also added a wealth of anecdotes and picked the most special thoughts and feelings to write about. The depth of the piece is a huge improvement, and makes it a very personalized piece indeed.

Writing Foundation 2: Descriptive Writing
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Laetitia Kwek


Writing Foundation 3: Fiction

During term 2, students learnt about fictional writing and were taught how to plan a story with the use of a story roller coaster. This method is useful for the students at this level as it encouraged better organization of ideas by pushing students to think through each section of the story in more detail. As a result, the finished product turns out to be more coherent and logical. Students were taught how to write with clear nouns and precise adjectives, avoiding the use vague words such as “something” or “stuff”.

It is apparent from Davis’ finished piece that he applied these newly acquired techniques very well. He wrote with precision and demonstrated his creativity through his choice of words and story content, creating vivid mental images for most of his scenes. Take a look at his exciting tale, "Pomeranian Devil", by clicking the PDF link below!

Writing Foundation 3: Fiction
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Davis Cheng


Writing Foundation 2: Descriptive Writing

 Students were taught:

  • Writing Technique: How to utilize a mind-map, apply 3 different lenses to the 5-senses, describe colors more creatively, give life to objects by assigning them actions, narrow down and arrange ideas, 
  • Vocabulary and Grammar: How to specify word choice, utilize alliterations and reference a thesaurus
  • Reading Comprehension: Students read a large variety of texts that described everything from windows and bathrooms, to magical new worlds. Comprehension questions challenged students to apply their imaginations and inference skills.

Ashley has always impressed with her great work ethic and practicality, but we were so pleased to witness her imagination really came through during the descriptive wriitng unit. Check out her wonderfully colorful descriptive piece in which she describes her beloved harp by clicking the PDF link below!



Writing Foundation 2: Descriptive Writing
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Ashley Wong

P4, St. Stephens College
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Writing Foundation

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